Thursday 30 July 2015

Information...or Introduction?? :)

                                                    Hello ...

      perhaps we should be formal for a while...till we all be familiar with each other. 

   we were wondering...should this be an information about the blog...or introduction of the bloggers....lets say..even we are confused....
   simply put,,   a blog started by a duo...A DOUBLE TROUBLE for the people who really know us.
now to tell you about the blog...

                     viewlocker ..  in this ...we shall put our views and your thoughts in a locker..our own virtual locker (we really thought that would sound technical ..did it?)
            we share our views on a mix of things...and take your suggestions for newer posts...

we shall try to keep up with  this super sonic jet speed world and updating newer posts...with of course encouragement of our viewers .....

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